Accessibility Plan 2023 - 25
Policy details
Academy: Co-op Academy Princeville
Policy owner: Ryan Lewis
Date: January 2023
Date shared with staff: 03.01.23
Date shared with governors: 03.01.23
Access to Curriculum
Access to wider curriculum
Improving the physical environment of the school
Availability of documents in alternative formats
Access to Curriculum |
Target | Tasks | Timescale | Resources | Responsibility | Monitoring |
Comply with legislative provision, annual admissions and in year admissions to the academy | - Prior to any admission anyone who has accessibility issues a PEEP will be developed.
- All information to be cascaded to the relevant academy staff.
- Information to be included in the Fire evacuation plan.
| Ongoing | Staffing engagement on pupil entry to the academy | SENDCo | Leadership |
Ensure ICT appropriate for pupils with disabilities. | - Review accessibility of ICT (including notepads & whiteboards) using specialist expertise.
- Involve pupils in review of hard & software.
- Prioritise new software to purchase.
| Autumn Term 2024 | Time from DO
| ICT Technical Team & SENDCo | Leadership Team |
Access to Curriculum
Create effective learning environments for all utilising feedback from pupil groups. Ensure a flexible approach to disabled pupils and increase in access to the National Curriculum. Success for disabled pupils in examinations.
Appropriate use of specialised equipment to benefit individual pupils & staff
- Reinforce responsibilities of all teachers
- Circulate “Reasonable Adjustments” Classroom Checklist to all staff. Ensure all classrooms and resources are organised in accordance with pupil need.
- Ongoing programme of staff training in disability awareness to reflect diverse needs of students within the school.
- Purchase tinted/coloured exercise books
to use with children with specific learning difficulties and tinted/coloured photocopying paper for reading activities with pupils and parents. - Continue to include strategies such as pupil visual timetables
Promote elements of ‘dyslexia friendly’ classrooms Dyslexia-friendly Apply and maintain for Dyslexia – Friendly school - SEND Toolkit available on Teacher’s shared –
regularly updated as a resource library to support capacity building and teacher knowledge of a range of SEND needs. - Curriculum reflects provision across a broad
- profile of SEND need addressing accessibility
- Implementation of SEND Code of Practice through: EP, SALT, Sensory/physical and Medical Team and other outside agency consultations which involve parents.
- Staff training on Quality First Teaching and differentiation. Information for teachers on differentiating and personalising the curriculum for pupils with children with high medical needs compiled with School nurse, parents and SENDCo.
- Set up procedures for obtaining information for Access To Learning Plans for pupils at SEN Support, reviewed termly and children with Education Health Care Plans, reviewed both termly and annually.
- Ensure relevant adults are in possession of the Access to Learning Plans.
- Curriculum leads ensure Curriculum reflects the diversity of community and high expectations and aspirations for all pupils through inclusive curriculum offer.
- Counselling, Art Therapy for targeted
children by the Behaviour and Inclusion Manager. - Social Emotional Mental Health support through increased Mental Health First Aiders and intervention- Targeting Engagement through Additional Mentoring Support (TEAMS) through a range of therapies and Boxall
Profiling and Goodman’s Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire. - Exam Access arrangements using Diagnostic testing assessments
ongoing |
Whole school CPD training schedule
Staff Planners Access to Learning Plans
SENDCo Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion
SENDCo SEND Team Educational Psychologist Speech and Language Therapist School Nurse
SENDCo through lesson observations and sampling lesson planning
Leadership Team and Governors
SENDCo Leadership Team and Governors
Access to wider curriculum |
Target | Tasks | Timescale | Resources | Responsibility | Monitoring |
Increase participation in school activities. | - Audit participation in extra-curricular activities and identify any barriers.
- Ensure school activities are accessible to all students.
- Consider hosting an area event for partner schools e.g. Boccia, wheelchair basketball.
- Seek advice re alternative accessible venues for residential trips.
Spring term 2023 |
Update training needed on risk assessments for trips and extracurricular activities. | PE Head of Department SENDCo
Governors |
Leadership Team
Governors |
Impact Analysis
Ensure all policies consider the implications of Disability Access. |
- Analyse impact of Behaviour Policy , School Values Anti-Bullying Policy, Educational Visits, Homework, Health Provision in relation to pupils with disabilities. Involve School Council in all reviews.
- Consult pupils and staff on any proposed changes.
- Introduce new policies
Spring Term 2023
Leadership Team and SENCO time to review policies.
Leadership Team and SENDCo
Governors |
Improving the physical environment of the school |
Target | Tasks | Timescale | Resources | Responsibility | Monitoring |
PremisesIncrease site access to meet diverse needs of pupils, staff, parents and community users.
- Review personal evacuation plans and fire drill protocols for pupils who are non-ambulant
- Look into feasibility of a low arousal space.
- Improve signage of evacuation procedures, internet safety, etc
- Review new signage of room functions.
- Improve signage to indicate access routes
around school - Ensure parents with a disability, parents and visitors aware of wheelchair access to all parts of the school.
- Disability parking bays at the front and rear to the school
Spring 2023
Site Team SENDCo | Site Team Governors SLT
Availability of documents in alternative formats. |
Target | Tasks | Timescale | Resources | Responsibility | Monitoring |
Newsletters and Information
- Large print and audio formats etc as required.
- HTML5 Only letters - no PDF downloads so all content can be zoomed and translatable.
- Monitor uptake of documents in alternative formats (website/app/letters)
- Review accessibility of newsletter and letters for parents.
- Homework information available as information sheets in alternative formats as appropriate.
- Dyslexic friendly information and homework on coloured paper
- Website accessibility increased.
- Ensure the website is compliant with requirements for access by a person with visual impairment.
- Ensure Prospectus is available via the school website.
- Provide information in simple language, symbols, large print for prospective pupils or prospective parents/carers who may have difficulty with standard form of printed information
- Ensure all staff are aware of guidance on accessible formats
- Access arrangements in place for all tests.
ongoing |
. |
Admin. Manager IT Technical Team SENDCo |
SLT Governors Admin Team |